Next Show ..Lobster CON Boston

 Sadly I missed attending the TCG Kentucky show  that was this month in April. The next show I will be attending is Lobstercon in Boston with the great person, talented artist and good friend Ken Meyer Jr.

The show will be

I have new playmats made up, new tokens and will hopefully have new art.

The Commissions

Ok.... If you commissions me to alter cards or create commissions, I am severely backlogged with well over 12 on my schedule. I'm fairly open about the time it will take to do them. So just keep being patent. I have a day job, running a airbrush/street art supply shop AND being the lead Airbrush Artist for the business. If you didn't know, I've been doing custom Airbrush as a full time source of income since the fallout of the "GREAT WOTC Layoff of 1999" and I'm probably one among a handful of the most in demand airbrush artist in the east coast now, ( of course I'm one of the few still remaining also as most of us ate in our 50's to 70's now).

If you haven't seen Netflix's "Worn Stories" , please do, I'm featured in episode 2. It will show a small part of what I do.

Until Next time. I will try and keep these blog posts more up to date and with more info


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