The Union NJ Mural
So, I have owned and operated a Custom Airbrush and Art Supply Shop since 2000 on South Street in Philadelphia. Among other things I do the occasional Mural. This last week I was called to help a business associate Rick Willens to help do a Mural in Union NJ, for a birthing center. Rick provided the basic sketch ( below) and asked for me to do my "thing". The cliente added two more babies to the design...not a
Once the babies were filled in i then penciled in thier base features for part 3.
We left late Saturday from Philly to Union NJ. We had a few hiccups while powerwashing the wall, ( had a problem with the drain) but Rick got the wall power washed and once it dried we were able to roll the base colors on the wall.
( above) Rick doing the trim with a paint brush.
We finished up late and needed the paint to dry before step 2. The client provided a hotel for us for the night, so we were able to begin bright and early Sunday.
Sunday, D-day.
Sunday we began stage 2, where I spray painted the galaxy basic, chalked in the babies, and filled the babies.
Once the babies were filled in i then penciled in thier base features for part 3.
Part 3: Airbrush
The fun part! So now was the time to begin finishing everything with the airbrush. 7 hours later and it was finished.
I arrived back in Philly a bit after midnight Monday morning exhausted from working in the heat for 15 hours. Then onto beginning a job for a client.....
...and now back to the shop before packing for Tampa Florida's TCG Con.
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